OpÅ‚atki – Christmas Wafers – Coming Soon
Christmas Wafers for this year will be included within the Christmas Lamplighter coming to you in the next few weeks. In it you’ll find an envelope marked with the words “for OpÅ‚atki”. Any donation parishioners and friends would care to make to the parish for the OpÅ‚atki – Christmas wafers – would be appreciated. The offering envelope can be placed in the offering plate anytime during the liturgies of Christmastide or mailed directly to rectory.
Lamplighter Christmas Greetings
Please begin submitting your holiday greetings to parishioners and readers of our Lamplighter. As before, the page size per greeting is quarter-page – $5, half-page – $10, and full page – $20. As before, you can submit a greeting text and illustration if you like.
Please notify the rectory by December 15th of the size of the greeting and any message you may want included for it. Only the notification needs to be done by the 15th. Your greeting offering can be made anytime after that.
Christmas Floral Memorials
Poinsettias can be donated for this Christmas season as memorial offerings. Please contact any Parish Committee member with your memorial floral designation; or contact the rectory by mail, phone at 201-858-4320 or by E-mail; or leave your memorial designation request in the offering plate.
Two large arrangements for the high altar are $70 each. Poinsettias are $20 per pot.
Please arrange for your memorial floral offerings by December 15th for inclusion in the memorial list in the Christmas Lamplighter. Only the notification needs to be done by the 15th. The offering for the poinsettias can be made anytime thereafter.