Advent Preparations
Our Parish Advent Tree: This year during the season of Advent, the Advent tee will be set in the narthex as we prepare for the season of sharing and giving. Through the Advent Tree, each of us will have the opportunity to share with others in our community who have basic needs to address. The object of our donating will be the Bayonne Economic Opportunity Foundation which distributes needed items to the people they serve in Bayonne.
Lamplighter Christmas Greetings: Please begin submitting your holiday greetings to parishioners and readers of our Lamplighter Newsletter. As before, the page size per greeting is quarter-page – $5, half-page – $10, and full page – $20. As before, you can submit a greeting text and illustration if you like.
Christmas Floral Memorials: Poinsettias can be donated for this Christmas season as memorial offerings. Please contact any Parish Committee member with your memorial floral designation; or contact the rectory by mail, telephone at 201-858-4320, or by E-mail; or leave your memorial designation request in the offering plate. The poinsettias are $20 per pot.
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